Danish version – English version further down
Møsse (Shellove Kisses On The Rocks) har været på hendes første Skue. DKK's Kreds 10 holdt Påske Skue i Horbelev Skærtorsdag og det endte med stor succes.
BIS - 2 Baby
Jeg er super glad for resultatet, også selv om det kun er et skueresultat. Det er en rigtig god træning for hvalpene og det vigtigste er, at de får et positivt indtryk af deres første udstilling og det fik Møsse. Hun gik rundt på udstillingen som var hun født i en udstillingshal ;o)
Dommeren Brigitte Thilemann var helt vild med hende og hun skrev i kritikken:
""Tre en halv måned, super charmerende og meget tiltalende, tævehvalp som allerede har alle de racetypiske detaljer, smukt hoved, godt udtryk, velansatte ører, smuk overlinie, velvinklet overalt, meget smuk pels og farve for alderen, går på sine ben som en lille princesse, rigtig dejligt temperament og allerede særdeles veltrænet.""
Præmiering: Særdeles Lovende og Bedst Baby - En kritik som dårligt kan blive bedre :o)
Hun var den eneste Baby, da den anden tilmeldte baby havde valgt at blive hjemme, for at fejre Påsken i familiens skød, havde været sjovt at hilse på den nye unge herrer som lige er flyttet til Danmark fra Amerika :o))
Gruppe Dommer Michael Kristensen placerede så Møsse som udstillingens 2. bedste baby og jeg har stadig ikke fået armene helt ned til kroppen endnu ;o)
Tusind tak til dommerne Brigitte Thilemann og Michael Kristensen :o)
Rigtig god Påske til jer alle sammen.

English version:
Mösse (Shellove Kisses On The Rocks) has been at her first Show. Danish Kennel Club - Kreds10 had an Easter Show in Horbelev Maundy Thursday and it ended with great success.
BIS - 2 Baby
I’m very happy with the outcome even it was a ‘Skue’ (it’s a kind of training-show for all breed and ages – no title or certificate can be won, only the honour/credit/glory). This is a very good training for puppies and the most important thing is that they have a positive impression of their first exhibition and Mösse had a very positive day and she got a lot of new friends. She walked around the Show area like she was born in a Showring ;o)
The judge Brigitte Thilemann was totally crazy about her and she wrote in the written critiques (translated from danish by me):
"" Three and a half months, super charming and very attractive, a puppybitch who already has all the typical breed details, beautiful head, good expression, well placed ears, beautiful outline, very good angulation everywhere, very beautiful coat and coatcolour for the age, walks on her leg as a little princess, very nice temperament and is already very highly trained ”"
Awards: Very Promising and Best Baby - a written critiques which hardly can’t be better :o)
She was the only Sheltie Baby, because the other baby chosed to stay at home, to celebrate Easter together with his new family. I missed him it would had been fun to greet this new young gentlemen, who have just moved to Denmark from America :o))
Group Judge Michael Kristensen placed Mösse as 2nd Best Baby In Show - All Breed. I still have my arms in the air :o)
Thank you to the judges Mrs Brigitte Thilemann and Mr. Michael Kristensen :o)
In Denmark it's a very rare thing to see a Collie or a Sheltie in group placement and BIS all breed even in unofficial shows - that's why I still have my arms up in the air!!
Happy Easter everybody.
congratulatins how wondrful we all knew she was special now the judge knows it too. Good things to come I am sure. Happy Easter
SvarSletCongratulations! The part I like best was "walks like a princess"!
SvarSletMosse is royalty! I think she needs a crown :)
Et KÆMPE STORT TILLYKKE her fra, det er da et flot resultat og jeg giver dig ret, skuer er gode til hvalpe og unghunde :-)
SvarSletGod Påske
That's great!! Congrats! I'm sure this success is just the first of many to come!
Et stort tillykke med det super flotte resultat.I var bare super gode i ringen.
SvarSletHvor var det dejligt, at hilse på dig og Møsse :o)
Rigtig god påske
Tillykke med det flotte resultat, hun ER altså også en lækker lille en:o)
SvarSletHappy Easter!! We're very proud of little Moesse.
SvarSletJosh and Jess from New Zealand
congratulations, and Happy Easter - from one princess to another.
SvarSletyour pal, Morgan
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks GREAT in the pictures. No wonder she is so confident- you have taken her everywhere and trained her so well.
SvarSletSounds like this judge thinks she has great ears. Good thing you have not attempted to brace them!!! You had better let mother nature take care of them.
Congratulations!!! In Brazil shelties win a BIS is very dificult too.
SvarSletShe is very pretty, a princess! =)
SvarSletIn here: http://www.dogvideolibrary.com/01/01_shetland-sheepdog.php
4 chapters are great! Enjoy!
SvarSletyour sheltie looks very pretty!!
i totally agree with the judge!