tirsdag den 26. maj 2009

American born sheltie now International Champion

Mösses father:

American born Sheltie now
International Champion

Goodtimes Blazin' Hot Moments
Expected to be approved by FCI
Photo: Anna & Krystyna Sculc
Møsses far:

Amerikansk født Sheltie nu
International Champion

Goodtimes Blazin' Hot Moments
Expected to be approved by FCI
Photo: Anna & Krystyna Sculc

Photo: Anna & Krystyna Sculc

Photo: Anna & Krystyna Sculc

INTCH, DKCH Goodtimes Blazin' Hot Moments - Blaze got his Internationale Champiomship on the following CACAIB's

Handled by Hans Iver Staugaard, his owner from Kennel Shellove in Denmark

16.09.2007 Denmark CACIB BOB

09.11.2008 Denmark CACIB (res)


Handled by Anna & Krystyna Sculc from Kennel Vesca Montana in Poland

08.02.2009 Poland CACIB BOB

20.03.2009 Poland CACIB BOB BIG

02.05.2009 Poland CACIB

10.05.2009 Slovakia CACIB BOB

Congratulations to his owner Hans Iver Staugaard, Kennel Shellove from Denmark and his breeder Bob and Joy Good, Kennel Goodtimes in Georgia, America

Hjertelig tillykke til Hans Iver Staugaard, Kennel Shellove og hans opdrættere Bob and Joy Good, Kennel Goodtimes i Georgia, Amerika

søndag den 24. maj 2009

5 monhts old with long legs! - 5 måneder gammel med lange ben!


Right now Mösse is missing some more depth of the chest, so it fit the rest of her body. But it’s only a matter of patience and then wait for Mösses natural development :o) Mösse had developed some labrador-ears :o( ..... so now they are cut down, so they are lighter while she develops more steady, upright, erect ears with the tips breaking forward :o)

Lige nu mangler Møsse noget mere dybde på brystkassen, så den kommer til at passe til resten at kroppen. Men det er kun et spørgsmål om at jeg har lidt tålmodighed og venter på at naturen går sin gang i Møsses udvikling :o) Møsse har haft en udvikling af labrador-ører :o( .....så de er nu klippet ned så de er noget lettere mens hun udvikler nogle mere stabile oprejste ører med kip :o)

torsdag den 21. maj 2009

We have got an Award!

Our Blog friends Josh and Jessie from New Zealand have given us this awesome award:

The rules state that we had to list 7 things we love and then pass it on to seven other blogs we love, so here goes:

7 things we love (I'm letting Mösse speak here):

1.) Food
2.) MORE Food!
3.) Long walks
4.) A Dog biscuit and sharing a cake with mum
5.) Stuffed toys
6.) Annoying old Felix
7.) Paw-hand-fight with mum

7 blogs we like and want to pass this award on to:

1.) Acadia
2.) Akadia
3.) Dawnville
4.) Dream Dogz
5.) Kennel Foula
6.) Laureate
7.) Life is better with sheltie hair

And many, many more!!

fredag den 15. maj 2009

Noget helt andet - Something different

Møsse trives og bliver kønnere og kønnere ;o)
Mösse thrives and she becomes more and more beautiful :o)
Nu til noget helt andet
Then something different
Egern som har et lille problem
A squirrel which have a little problem

Gudske lov, der stadig findes søde og hjælpsomme unge mennesker :o)
Thanks God, that there are still sweet and helpful young people :o)

Smilende collie - Smiling collie:

Håber I nød disse videoer - Hope you enjoy those vidoer


søndag den 10. maj 2009

Mothers day - Mors dag!

Hope all mothers have had a lovely day together with their children :o)

Jeg håber alle mødre har haft en hyggelig day sammen med deres børn :o)
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