Møsse trives og bliver kønnere og kønnere ;o)
Mösse thrives and she becomes more and more beautiful :o)
Nu til noget helt andet
Then something different
Egern som har et lille problem
A squirrel which have a little problem
Gudske lov, der stadig findes søde og hjælpsomme unge mennesker :o)
Thanks God, that there are still sweet and helpful young people :o)
Smilende collie - Smiling collie:
Håber I nød disse videoer - Hope you enjoy those vidoer
Wow, she's so BIG!!!
SvarSletCute videos. The squirrel video was very touching. Mosse is growing up so nicely!
Mosse is growing up fast! She's a beauty!
SvarSletCute videos - thanks for sharing :)
There are still nice people in the world who would care about a baby squirrel. thanks, Diana
SvarSletOh my those were too cute. thank you
SvarSletIt's amazing how smart squirrels are! I loved the videos. The second video was just too cute!!
Mosse is looking good! The videos were very cute...thanks!
Hi there! mind if i link u in Kayla's blog?