tirsdag den 17. november 2009

A busy bee - En arbejdsbi

Dansk version: - English version further down

Rundt om i verdnen og ikke mindst herhjemme i lille Danmark findes der mange gode agilityhunde - især Shelties. Jeg sidder tit og kigger på videoer med agility-Sheltier og får lidt dårlig samvittighed over for Møsse, da mit helbred ikke rigtig er til det aktive hundeliv mere - ikke fordi jeg tror nu Møsse trives selv med den form for aktivitet jeg er i stand til at kunne give hende!! Jeg faldt over den her video på Youtube/Facebook og jeg blev helt forpustet af at se på denne lille arbejdsbi....både hund og fører er utrolig dygtige, ta' et kig.....


English version:

Around the worlds, and not at least here in little Denmark, there are many good agility dogs - especially Shelties. I often sit and look at videos with agility-Sheltie and feel a bit guilty about my bad health. The health isn't so good anymore so I doesn't live an active doggielife as before - Not because I think that Mösse thrive even with the sort of activity I am able to give her! I stumbled over this video here on Youtube/Facebook and I was completely out of breath looking at this little busy bee .... both dog and handler are incredibly talented, take a look .....



10 kommentarer:

  1. http://vimeo.com/7356697
    Watch this one, not as fast, but WOW what an accomplishment! The gentleman is 97.5 yrs old.

  2. Thank you Maureen for this lovely and optimistic/life-affirming video. I just love this couple :o)


  3. Is that little sheltie ever fast, thanks for posting! Don't feel guilty -- I'm sure Mösse is happy with you :)


  4. I wish I had that much energy!

  5. A busy bee indeed! Josh watched on in horror :) He doesn't like too much exercise, whereas Jessie would love this.

    Josh and Jessie

  6. I am sure Mösse is happy with you. I think it is much easier for dogs to be happy with what they have then people.

    Essex & Deacon

  7. Thanks to your all for all the nice words :o)


  8. WOW!!! That's one FAST sheltie!!! I wish I could do more with my shelties too but we've all become a bit lazy lately. But we have fun anyway! Great post! Thanks for sharing! Coralie

  9. my goodness that was one speedy little dog - I got tired just watching him!!!

  10. Thank you for stopping by our blog. It is always lovely to meet new dogs.
    We thought your video was very impressive - we only move quickly when we are chasing deer and then not in the right direction for the humans!
    Martha & Bailey xxx


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