tirsdag den 24. februar 2009

Mösse have taken the lead.....

Møsse har taget føringen over fjernkontrollen ;o)
Mösse have taken the lead over the remote control ;o)

5 kommentarer:

  1. I hope she is choosing to watch shows on how to be a good puppy!

  2. She is so cute! Just don't let her get her teeth on the remote - puppies seem to love to chew on those things.

  3. Yep, little Moesse is definitely in control! What a little sweetheart!!

    Love, Josh and Jess

  4. Hvor er hun bare nuttet! Lots of puppy fluff. Og hvilket herligt foto! Tillykke med hende.

  5. what a cutiepie!!!! squeee! maw says. so cute.

    we are meeting new furfreinds today. nice to meet ya. we are four kittycats and one PUG.


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