torsdag den 1. januar 2009

Lidt sjov start i det nye år! - A bit of fun begins the new year!

Dansk version – English version further down

2009 startede med en solskinsdag, kold men utrolig smuk. Felix og jeg benyttede os af det gode vejr og gik en længere tur end vi plejer. Vi gik op til Sjölund og der var en smuk udsigt ud over byen i det smukke og klare vejr, men desværre havde jeg glemt kameraet så I må bare tro mig på mit ord om den smukke udsigt. Men jeg har lidt billeder fra en dejlig sommerdag derfra…..solen skinnede lige så flot i dag!

Eftermiddagen blev brugt til at rydde lidt op i min computer og her fandt jeg en annonce som jeg fandt for nogle år siden og som jeg havde gemt – kan desværre ikke huske hvor jeg fandt den! Synes den er morsom og jeg oversatte den til engelsk så dem som ikke forstår dansk også kan grine af den - i hvert fald synes jeg den er morsom.

Kreativt gadekryds sælges

Pris 1.500 kr.

Har du for mange møbler, et alt for pænt hjem og alt for meget tid?

Men bare rolig! Jeg har den perfekte hund til dig! Nalle er en utrolig effektiv torpedo som gnaver i alt. Ja, han kan gøre en pæn og velindrettet stue til det rene kaos på et par timer.

Han er 7 måneder, sort med hvid bug. Vant til børn og vant til at løbe rundt i haven det meste af dagen, men det har beviseligt ikke nyttet noget!

Så nu søger vi lige netop dig som har en ubegrænset tålmodighed, masser af tid og som accepterer at hunden æder dine dørkarme mens du selv spiser din aftensmad. Findes du?

Jeg har et prisforslag på 1.500 kr. da man jo ikke bør forære dyr væk, men hvis du har en hamster du vil bytte med, kan vi sikkert godt finde ud af noget.

Send mig gerne en mail.

English version

2009 began with a sunny day, cold but incredibly beautiful. Felix and I took advantage of the good weather and went for a longer trip then usual. We went up to Sjölund and had a fine view over the city in the clear beautiful but cold weather. Unfortunately I had forgotten the camera so you just had to trust me on my word about the fine view. But I have some pictures from a beautiful summer day ..... the sun shone as generous today!

The afternoon was spent to clean up a little in my computer and here I found an ad that I found some years ago and which I had saved - can’t remember where I found it! Think it's funny and I translated it into English so those who do not understand Danish can laugh at it - at least I think it's funny.

Creative crossbreed for sale

Price 1,500 DKK

Do you have too much furniture, too nice a home and too much time?

But do not worry! I have the perfect dog for you! Nalle is an incredibly effective torpedo which chew through everything. Indeed, he can make a nice and well-appointed living room into pure chaos in a few hours.

He is 7 months, black with a white belly. Accustomed to children and used to run around in the garden most of the day, but it was in vain!

So right now we are looking precisely for you which have unlimited patience, plenty of time and accept that the dog eats your doorframes while your eating your dinner. Do you exist?

I proposed a price of 1,500 DKK because one should not give animals away, but if you have a hamster you want to exchange, we can easily find out something.

Please send me a mail.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Happy New Year to you! Beautiful photos of the two of you. What a wonderful sunny day you've had.
    That newspaper ad is so funny, haha. They'll swap the dog for a hamster :) He must be a real 'destroyer'!

  2. Happy New Year Love your pictures Thank you for visiting our site I hope you continue to visit. It is so nice to meet and talk to people from all over the world. Yor shelties are beautiful

  3. A Blessed New Year to you. Thank you so much for taking the time to translate your site into English for us!! My Grandmother was full Blooded Danish. Her Father immigrated to the US. I have a fondness for the Danes!! Good luck with your Shelties. Thanks for visiting Lacewood!!

  4. What a FUNNY ad! I wonder if that dog found a home?
    Happy New Year. From your pictures it looks like a good start.


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